The Best Day Of The Week To Go To Universal Studios Orlando

The Best Day Of The Week To Go To Universal Studios Orlando

The Best Day Of The Week To Go To Universal Studios Orlando

Choosing the best day to go to Universal Studios Orlando can significantly enhance your theme park experience. From avoiding long lines to making the most out of special events, the day of your visit plays a crucial role in how much you enjoy your trip. Let us dive deeper into each day of the week and examine what they have to offer.

Monday – The Week’s Kick-Off

Mondays can often be less crowded, especially if it is not during summer or holiday seasons. Most families are leaving from their weekend trip and fewer are starting their vacation week on a Monday.

  • Lower crowd levels compared to weekends
  • Good day for longer operating hours

Tuesday & Wednesday – The Midweek Lull

Generally speaking, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are some of the best days to go to Universal Studios Orlando. Fewer crowds translate into shorter wait times for attractions.

  • Typically, the least crowded days of the week
  • Ideal for a relaxed, unhurried visit

Thursday – The Transitional Day

Thursdays see a slight uptick in crowd levels as people start arriving for long weekend vacations. Nonetheless, they can still offer a comparatively quieter park experience.

  • Moderately crowded, especially in the late afternoon and evening
  • Possible early arrivals for special weekend events

Friday – The Weekend Eve

Fridays tend to be busier as the weekend begins, and more out-of-town guests arrive. The crowd levels start to increase, especially in the afternoon.

  • Increasing crowd levels
  • Longer operating hours

Saturday – The Peak of the Week

Saturdays are generally the busiest days at Universal Studios Orlando. It is the peak of the week, with significant crowd levels and longer wait times for attractions.

  • Highest crowd levels
  • Enjoy evening shows and events

Sunday – The Weekend Wind Down

While Sundays remain busy, especially in the morning, the crowd starts to thin out in the afternoon as weekend visitors head home.

  • Morning and early afternoon can be busiest
  • Late afternoon and evening sometimes see a decrease in crowds

Considerations for Picking Your Perfect Day

While choosing the best day for your Universal Studios visit, consider these aspects:

Special Events

Universal Studios hosts several events throughout the year that can influence crowd levels. Events like Halloween Horror Nights and Mardi Gras can draw significant crowds, especially on weekends. If you are interested in these events, plan accordingly. If not, you might want to avoid these times.

Seasonal Factors

Crowd patterns can vary depending on the season. Summer, spring break, and holiday seasons (like Christmas and New Year) tend to be busier, with increased crowd levels even on typically quieter days.

Park Hours

Park hours vary and can impact your visit. Usually, the park operates longer hours on weekends and during busy seasons. Check the official schedule while planning your visit.


If possible, maintain some flexibility in your schedule. Even the best plans can be influenced by unpredictable factors like weather or unexpected closures.

While Tuesdays and Wednesdays typically offer the lowest crowd levels, the best day to visit Universal Studios Orlando largely depends on your personal preferences and needs. Whether you are seeking the buzz of a busy park or a more relaxed experience, planning your visit thoughtfully will ensure a memorable and enjoyable trip.

Regardless of which day you’ll be visiting Disney or Universal, you can maximize your time in the park and ensure low wait times by booking a Disney VIP Tour or a Universal VIP Tour with Royal Family Tours.  Your guide will take care of all the details and show you the best of the parks with the least amount of stress, so you can enjoy your time with your family without worrying about the logistics.